Count Leo Tolstoy, who was a great writer and philosopher from Russia. He played a pivotal role in the propagation of Bolshevism after Lenin and Marx. His works have been translated into most of the languages of the world. Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq(ra) had written to him during the lifetime of the Promised Messiahas. He sent Count Leo Tolstoy a copy of the Review of Religions with the picture of the Promised Messiahas.

The detailed response from Count Tolstoy was:

‘To Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib,

Dear friend! Your letter along with Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s picture and a sample of the magazine Review of Religions has been received. To engage in the proof of the death of Christ or in the investigation of his tomb, is a futile effort because an intelligent man can never believe that Jesus is still alive…. We need reasoned religious teaching and if Mr Mirza presents a new reasonable proposition, then I am ready to benefit from it. In the specimen number, I approved two articles very much, ‘How to get rid of the Bondage of Sin’ and ‘The Life to Come’, especially the second. The idea is very profound and very true. I am most thankful to you for sending me this and am also grateful for your letter.

Yours Sincerely,

Tolstoy, from Russia.

5th June 1903[1]

[1] Zikre Habib by Mufti Muhammad Sadiq p. 322-323