Entering Europe: Brindisi, Rome, and Paris
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud Khalifatul Masih IIra arrived in Brindisi, Italy, on 16th August, 1924. On the same evening, at 6:30 pm, he departed for Rome. The stay in Rome lasted four days, during which he met with Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, visited the catacombs, and granted various interviews to the press.
On 18th August, 1924, after the Zuhr and Asr prayers, Hazrat Chaudhry Fateh Muhammad Sayalra, Hazrat Maulana Abdul Raheem Dardra, and Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfanira met with the editor of La Tribuna, one of Italy’s most prominent and widely read newspapers. The editor expressed a strong desire to interview Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra, indicating his availability at any time, even late into the night, to accommodate the interview.[1]
On 19th August, 1924, His Holinessra met with Italy’s Prime Minister, Benito Mussolini, and explained the purpose of the Ahmadiyya movement. He also intended to meet with the Pope to present the teachings of Islam; however, upon their arrival, the entourage learned that the Pope was not meeting anyone due to the renovation of his residence. [2]
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra granted La Tribuna about 2 hours for the interview where he spoke on various religious and political issues. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra was asked what he would say to the Pope if he got the chance to meet him. Upon this Huzoorra said:
“As a religious leader of a community, I consider the Pope to be honourable due to his position. However, just as I do not consider the current form of Christianity to be true, I extend the invitation to Islam to the world. Similarly, if I met the Pope, the best gift I could offer him would be the invitation to Islam. I would invite him to the light that guides humans to God. This is not merely a verbal invitation, but one that carries signs of God’s nearness. Many people say that a certain person is very pious and righteous, but this would be a mere claim if it did not bear evidence of divine nearness.
Even Jesus Christ himself said that if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you could tell a mountain to move from its place, and it would move. But today, is there any Christian who can demonstrate such faith? Christ showed those signs that are found in true believers and those close to God. But why are those signs not evident in anyone today?
God Almighty has sent the Promised Messiah to this world to prove that this power and strength now reside in Islam. He has come to instil this strength within us so that we may see and communicate with God, and partake in the blessings given to the pious and devout. In my community, there are thousands of people who have partaken in these blessings, and I have personally experienced them. We cannot recognize or accept any person, no matter how great, without the signs that God has designated for His chosen ones. Therefore, I would bring the glad tidings of Islam to the Pope and convey to him that we have received those signs that are bestowed upon God’s chosen ones.” [3]
His Holinessra departed from Rome on the evening on 20th August, 1924. The train arrived in Paris, France the following morning on 21st August, at approximately 9 am. From Paris the journey continued to Calais where they crossed the English Channel by ship arriving in Dover. Subsequently they took a train to London, reaching Victoria Station at around 6 pm on 22nd August, 1924.[4]
Click here for part 4:
[¹] Al-Fazl (1924) 23rd September, p. 4.
[²] Ibid.
[³] Ibid.
[⁴] Ibid., p. 5.
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