Return to India
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra departed from London on 24th October, 1924[1] and stayed in Paris until 30th October, 1924. On 26th October, 1924, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra convened a Shura (consultative assembly) to form three separate teams for the purpose of Tabligh (preaching).
His Holinessra appointed Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfanira and Hazrat Sahibzada Mirza Shareef Ahmadra to engage with journalists and writers. The second group, consisting of Hazrat Hafiz Roshan Alira, Abdul Rahman Misri, and Chaudary Muhammad Shareef, was tasked with meeting Eastern writers and ambassadors. The final team, including Hazrat Fateh Muhammad Sayalra and Hazrat Chaudary Zafrullah Khanra, was assigned to engage with Western ambassadors stationed in France. During his stay, Sayyid Muhammad Samawi, a member of the Supreme Council in Bahrain, requested an audience with His Holinessra. This meeting took place on 27th October, 1924, during which they engaged in a lengthy discussion about the claims of the Promised Messiahas and the establishment of the Ahmadiyya Jama’at. On 29th October, 1924, His Holiness met with Lord Crewe, the British Ambassador to France, and conveyed Indian sentiments regarding the political changes. That same afternoon, he visited the Paris Grand Mosque, accompanied by his companions and a member of Havas, a French multinational advertising and public relations company. It is reported that photographers and cinema companies were also present to document His Holiness’ra visit. His Holinessra was warmly welcomed and given a detailed tour by the mosque manager and other Muslims who were present. According to the 11th December, 1924 report in Al-Fazl , Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra visited the mosque after performing his Zuhr and Asr prayers and led a lengthy silent prayer in the Mihrab of the mosque. However, the diary of Bhai Abdul Rahman Qadianira notes that His Holinessra led the Zuhr and Asr prayers at the mosque, with Hafiz Roshan Alira calling the Azan. Le Martin, a French newspaper, in its 30th October, 1924 edition, also reports the incident, confirming that His Holinessra visited the mosque on 29th October, 1924 and prayed with his companions in the Mihrab, facing Makkah[2]. His Holinessra also donated 100 francs towards the construction of the mosque[3]. His Holiness departed from Paris on 30th October, 1924, heading towards Italy. On the evening of 2th November, 1924, he boarded a ship bound for India[4].
French newspaper, Le Matin, published the news of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra
His Holiness Hazrat Khalifa-tul-Masih IIra, arrived in Bombay on 18th November, 1924. He was welcomed by members of the Jama’at from various parts of India, Burma, and Ceylon. During his brief stay in Bombay, His Holinessra was interviewed by representatives of all the major newspapers in the city, which competed to publish extensive laudatory articles about him and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. His Holiness also met with Mr. Gandhi to discuss the current political situation in India and the means of fostering peace and unity in the country. On his way to Punjab, His Holinessra received a warm welcome from a large number of people at the railway stations in Agra, Delhi, Ludhiana, and Jalandhar.
His Holinessra, accompanied by his twelve secretaries, arrived in Amritsar on the 23rd of November, where over a thousand Ahmadis had gathered to greet him and present an address of welcome at the railway station. Later that night, he travelled to Batala. After a journey lasting 4 months and 12 days, he arrived in Qadian the following morning, on 24th November, 1924. In Qadian, he was enthusiastically welcomed by a large gathering of the Jama’at.[5]
His Holinessra addressing the Jama’at in Qadian on 24th November, 1924 stated:
“The success achieved during this journey is beyond human imagination and conception. As I have consistently emphasised upon setting foot on the soil of India, and continue to emphasise today, all successes are granted by God Almighty, who alone deserves our genuine gratitude. The community must prepare itself to nurture the seed that God has sown. This seed would not have been attainable without the efforts made during this journey. However, God Almighty arranged for the seed to be available. Now that the seed has been planted, it will not bear fruit unless we water it with our actions and sacrifices”[6].
The Special Prayer of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra for the UK Jama’at
During his return journey to Qadian following his tour of the United Kingdom, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra summoned Hazrat Maulana Abdul Raheem Dardra to his room to provide detailed guidance, which included this lengthy prayer for the missionaries and the UK mission.
“O God, who revealed the true religion for the guidance of humanity out of Your grace, and then, when people turned away from it and forgot its teachings, You sent the Promised Messiahas to awaken them and grant them light. Seeking Your immense power and endless mercy, I humbly and helplessly beseech You to bless these instructions of mine and breathe life into the Ahmadiyya mission in England, which was as good as dead. Grant its workers the capability to fulfil their duties, sharpen their understanding so they may grasp Your will and act accordingly. Bestow upon them the ability to work with diligence, enthusiasm, and wisdom, and accept their efforts, no matter how insignificant they may seem. Produce good fruits from their labour that would fill not only this land but also the surrounding countries with Your blessings.
O my Lord, ensure that their actions, words, thoughts, and intentions are not against Your will and purpose. Rather, may their deeds, thoughts, and words be in accordance with Your intentions and commands. They should understand the true religion, act according to it, and teach it to others accordingly. They should not conceal any command of the true religion out of fear of people, nor should they alter any of its directives. However, they should also not become a source of stumbling for people, imposing undue hardships beyond their capacity and without necessity. They should present Your beautiful teachings, which naturally attract human interest, in such a manner that they are appealing rather than repulsive, and so they enter people’s hearts instead of causing aversion.
O God, grant them a community of sincere individuals who will assist them in their work, support them, and be prepared to make every kind of sacrifice for the religion and find joy in following and spreading Your commands. Make this community a strong right arm for our missionaries in their efforts to propagate the true religion, bless their endeavours, and accept for them the prayers I have made for the missionaries.
O God! Bless this (house) whose foundation I have laid in London and grant us the ability to complete it swiftly. Provide the means for its construction through Your grace. Let it be a place of the highest blessings, where people find pure goodness and true contentment, free from any trace of evil or dissatisfaction.
O my Lord! Instil love and sincerity in the hearts of people towards our missionaries and a desire to cooperate with them. Likewise, instil love and sincerity in the hearts of our missionaries towards those among whom they work. Keep them free from all accusations and protect their honour. O my God! Create feelings of love among the missionaries for one another, grant them the ability to obey those who must be obeyed, and the ability to consider and treat gently the feelings of those whose feelings must be considered. O my Lord! Let them be united inwardly and outwardly, embodying love, affection, unity, and concord. O God! Make it so.
O my Lord! Once again, seeking Your mercy, grace, and power, I beseech You to bless this journey of mine and open the paths for light and guidance to spread in these lands. Provide the means for the propagation of the true religion from Your own bounty. O God, make it so. O God, make it so. O God, make it so.
O God! I also pray that You grant me and the caliphs who come after me the flawless ability to supervise the work of Ahmadi missionaries and to provide them with the correct guidance. O God! Provide for the contentment of the hearts of Ahmadi missionaries, so they are at peace with the state of their loved ones, friends, and dear ones. Take care of their children, wives, and other relatives Yourself, and be their sustainer and guide. O God! Make it so.
Allahumma Ameen, Allahumma Ameen, Allahumma Ameen.”
The Legacy of the London Mosque
The profound significance of the London Mosque over the ensuing century cannot be overstated. Commencing with Hazrat Fateh Muhammad Sayal’sra establishment of the London Mission, the project was meticulously guided by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IIra. Notably, the entire construction cost of £6,223 was entirely funded through donations from Ahmadi men, women and children in Qadian, inspired by the impassioned teachings of their beloved leader.[7]
The construction of the London Mosque was completed and inaugurated on 23rd October, 1926, marking its establishment as a significant global centre in multiple respects. It evolved into a pivotal training hub for missionaries who were subsequently deployed across continents from America to Africa. Remarkably, the mosque remained unscathed during World War II and functioned as a refuge and relief centre for local residents amidst the wartime hardships. Moreover, it served as a venue for hosting distinguished international dignitaries, including one notably pivotal figure who would later become the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Under the guidance of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IIra, Hazrat Abdul Raheem Dardra engaged in multiple meetings with Mr Jinnah, encouraging his return to Indian politics to advocate for the representation of India’s Muslim population. Notably Muhammad Ali Jinnah, known as Quaid-e-Azam, attended an Eid-ul-Adha celebration at the Fazl Mosque in London in April 1933, where he delivered a significant address on Indian politics.
This particular speech on the future of India attracted many newspapers of the British and Indian press. Pakistan Times reported:
“It was Mr Liaquat Ali Khan and Maulana Abdur Rahim Dard, an Imam of London Mosque, who persuaded Mr M. A. Jinnah to change his mind and return home to play his role in the national politics. Consequently, Mr Jinnah returned to India in 1934 and was elected to the Central Assembly, unopposed“[8]
Quaid-e-Azam rejuvenated his efforts for the Muslims of India with renewed vigour, receiving support from Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra at pivotal junctures. The elections of 1945-46 marked a watershed moment in the journey towards the establishment of Pakistan. Reflecting on a pivotal incident during those historic days, Sirdar Shaukat Hayat, a politician recounts:
“One day, I got a message from Quaid-i-Azam saying ‘Shaukat, I believe you are going to Batala, which I understand is about five miles from Qadian. Please go there and meet the Hazrat Sahib of Qadian [Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra], request him on my behalf for his blessings and support for Pakistan’s cause. After the meeting that night at about midnight’, I reached Qadian. When I got there, Hazrat Sahib had retired.
I sent him a message that I had brought a request for him from the Quaid-i-Azam. He came down immediately and enquired what were Quaid’s orders. I conveyed to him Quaid’s message to pray for and also support Pakistan. He replied ‘please convey to the Quaid-i-Azam that we have been praying for his Mission from the very beginning. Where the help of his followers is concerned, no Ahmadi will stand [in elections] against a Muslim Leaguer.”[9]
Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad Khalifatul Masih IIIrh made multiple visits to London, with a particularly notable occasion being his arrival on 31st May, when the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community organised an international conference, focusing on the Deliverance of Jesus from the Cross. This conference convened from 2nd to 4th June 1978, attracting over 1500 delegates from around the globe. Widely covered by international media, invitations were extensively distributed worldwide to facilitate an exchange of views between scholars of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and representatives from various Christian denominations.[10]
One of the most significant episodes in the history of Ahmadiyyat was the relocation of the Khilafat during this era of Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad Khalifatul Masih IVrh[11]. Due to the anti-Ahmadiyya laws in Pakistan, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh migrated to the United Kingdom, resulting in the London Mission becoming the global centre and serving as the international headquarters from 1984 to 2019. Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (May Allah be his Helper) assumed the mantle of Khilafat in 2003 and resided at Fazl Mosque until relocating to Mubarak Mosque, Islamabad, Tilford on Monday, 15th April, 2019.[12]
What began as a prophecy in the 7th century, foretold to the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa that the sun would rise from the West, found its fulfilment in the efforts of the Promised Messiahas in propagating Islam to the Western world. This vision was further realised through the distinct efforts of his Khulafa (successors). Today, this prophecy continues to be fulfilled under the leadership of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih V (May Allah be his Helper) and the seed planted by Hazrat Musleh Maudra during his historic tour of 1924 has now grown into a robust tree, with its branches extending across the entire world.
[1] The Review of Religions (1924) November, p. 422, Al-Fazl (1924) 30 October; Al-Fazl (1924) 25 October
[2] Al-Fazl (1924) 18 December p. 6; Bhai, Abdul Rehman Sahib, Safar-e-Europe, Rabwah: Zia Press pp. 408-409
[3] Bhai, Abdul Rehman Sahib, Safar-e-Europe, Rabwah: Zia Press. p. 410
[4] Al-Fazl (1924) 6 November
[5] The Review of Religions (1924) December, p. 454
[6]Fazl-e-Umar Foundation. Anwarul Uloom, Vol. 8. Surrey: Raqeem Press p. 620
[7] Ismail, Mir Muhammadl (no date),Tarikh Masjid Fazl London, 1st ed. Qadian, India: Book Depot Taleef-o-Isha’at pp. 11-21
[8] Pakistan Times (1981), Quaid-I-Azam Anniversary Supplement, 11 September, p. 2
[9] Khan, Sirdar Shaukat (1995) The Nation That Lost its Soul, Lahore: Jang Publishers. p. 147
[10] Khalifatul Masih III. Mirza Nasir Ahmad (2020) Surrey: Islam International Publications Limited.
[11] Chadhury, Dr. Aziz (1996) The Promised Messiah & the Mahdi. Surrey: Islam International Publications Ltd pp. 225 – 231
[12] Al Hakam (2019) ‘Historic moment – Huzoor a.a. moves to new Markaz in Islamabad’. Al Hakam. 19 April
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