S.N Ridgway a lady from Manchester writes a letter to the Promised Messiah (as) appreciating his efforts in conveying the beautiful teachings of Islam through the pages of the Review of Religions. Her letter was published on page 3 of Badar Newspaper on the 25th of May 1905.
She writes: “Dear Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, at first when I read about you, I desired to write to you. But I couldn’t think of anything and what may I write to a man like the Promised Messiahas. I have read some of your teachings in the papers of Review of Religions which are regularly sent to me from Qadian. I am happy that the truth of God is being established. The pure faith which was preached by Jesusas and Muhammadsa is forgotten by the world. But the time has come about which God said he would vigorously shake up the world. Now everything seems as if it is changing the religious world as well as the secular world. I was pleased to know that you preach of peace and coherence. I always used to doubt how true religion can be spread by the sword. There is not a doubt that it is permitted only for self defence. I am pleased to know that you live under a British rule where you have the right to freedom of thought and expression…..I have also read about a prophecy which you made 25 years ago. I am delighted to read the virtuous teachings mentioned in the Review of Religions and I hope that you will be successful in your work of spreading the truth.”[1]
Your Servent in the work of God
S.N Rigway
[1] AlBadar 25/05/1905 (Some of her other letters are published in AlBadar 15/06/1905 and 20/04/1905)