The Promised Messiahas had prophesied in January 1891 in his book Victory of Islam:

Truth will prevail. A new bright day will dawn again for Islam. Same as it did before. The sun of Islam will rise in full bloom, same as it did before. But this will not be at once. Imperative it is that this should not happen until we have proved our worth by devoted hard work, by offering our life-blood, by sacrificing our rest and peace, by accepting all indignities for the dignity of Islam. The new Life of Islam demands a great Sacrifice from us. What is this Sacrifice? It is our lives: on this Sacrifice depends now the Life of Islam, the Life of Mussalmans, the Manifestation of God in our time.’[1]

The very next year on 27th December 1892, the Ahmadiyya community held its second annual convention at Qadian, Dar-ul- Amaan [The Centre of Peace]. More than 300 members of the community attended the Jalsa, its main objective was highlighted through an advertisement on 7 December 1892, as follows:

One of the exigencies of the Convention is to put forward sound policies for the religious benefit of Europe and America. It is a proven fact that the fortunate people of Europe and America are getting ready to accept Islam but are alarmed by the religious divisions in Islam. Thus, recently I received from an Englishman a letter which stated: “You show mercy towards all living beings, but we are also humans and deserve mercy because we have accepted Islam. But we are still ignorant of its true and correct teachings.” Therefore, brothers! Understand it well that this group is getting ready for us. God never abandons any sincere one outside a community. With Allah’s command and wish, the blessings of truth will attract them all to this side. Allah has decreed this in the heavens, and no one can change it.”[2]

On the second day of this annual conference of the Ahmadiyya community held on 28th December 1892, a Consultation meeting was held where the participants gave their suggestions regarding the propagation of Islam in the West.
Following a consultation, it was decided that a magazine should be published and distributed freely in Europe and America to convey the true teachings of Islam. The first edition of the Review of Religions magazine is printed in January 1902. (Read More)