Respected Chaudhry Sahib was born in the District of Gujrat, in the village of Dher, at the house of Khushi Muhammad Sahib in 1899. He received his preliminary education from Wazir Abad, and passed his Matric in 1918, after which he began his teaching training, and received education up until a BA and BT, after which he remained a headmaster at a school in Gujrat. Respected Chaudhry Sahib remained Sadr of Jamaat Dher for approximately 40 years.
His life in England
Hazrat Chaudhry Sahib came to London in October 1960, as the Missioanry incharge of the UK mission, where he took the charge from Respected Maulood Ahmad Khan Sahib. He mostly worked in the field of Taribiyyat (Jammt’s Religious & Moral Training), he started lessons of the Holy Quran, and regularly conducted home visits for betterment of the Jammat.
(The Muslim Herald Sep/Oct 1961 P.23 , Al-Fazl 23rd September 2013, Page 4)
A short introduction of Rehmat Khan Sahib was also published in the Sep/Oct issue of the Muslim Herald in 1961 on Page 23
The Muslim Herald also reported on June 1961:
“The Imam (Ch. Rehmat Khan) delivered a lecture on the 30th of May, 1961, at Putney Girls’ High School on Islam. The subject of the address was “ Islam To-day.” The Deputy Imam had also delivered a lecture on the same subject some time ago at the same school.”
In June 1961, the Muslim Herld reporting on the Eid-ul-Azhia prayers held at the London Mosque wrote:
“The sermon was delivered by Ch. Rehmat Khan, the Imam of the London Mosque. He explained the significance of the Eid which is to commemorate the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice his own son Ishmaeel for the pleasure of Allah. He then laid special emphasis on the spirit of sacrifice and urged the members never to shirk from laying down their lives and all other things in the name of Allah, whenever called upon to do so.“
The Muslim Herald Sep/Oct 1961 also reports on Seeratul-Nabi gathering discussing the life of the Holy Prophetsaw where Sir Hugh Linstead, the former MP of Wandsworth Putney was also invited by the Imam Rehmat Khan Sahib.
He returned on 11th of April 1964, where-after he was appointed the superintendent of the Ahmadiyya Hostel in Lahore, where he stayed superintendent until his passing.
His Demise
In July 1968, the Ahmadiyya Hostel was closed due to summer Holidays, therefore he came to Rabwah. After a few days he would leave for Waqf-e-Arzi in Dher, however in the night of the 29th of July he passed away at the age of 69, his Janazah was led by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIra, and he was buried in Bahishti Maqbarah in Rabwah.
(The Daily Al-Fazl International 15th May 1998)
The Muslim Herald reported on his death under sections Annual Report of the London Mosque on page 14 and Obituary on page 43 in its September-October issue of 1968:
Mention might be made of the demise of Ch. Rehmat Khan at Rabwah quite recently. He was a quiet, pious man who had worked very selflessly as the Imam of this mission from I960 to 1964. He was reported to have passed away because of some cardiac trouble.
The sudden demise of Ch. Rehmat Khan, the ex-imam of thisMosque was another shocking blow to the U.K. Ahmadis. Hardly two years ago his son Masud Ahmad met his tragic end in the premises of the Mission House due to an electric shock. The father bore the news with great courage and showed examplary patience. Now his own heart collapsed and he breathed his last during the preceding month.