Shaikh Mubarak Ahmad Sahib was born on the 10th of October in the year of 1910, in Multan, in the district Shujaa Abaad, where his father was living for work reasons. His father had converted in 1907 through a letter that he had sent to the Promised Messiahas. His name was entered amongst the new converts in the newsletter of “Badr” that was published on 14th of March 1907, Page 11, Collumn 3.
His Preliminary Education
He received his preliminary education from the Talim-ul-Islam High School, after he passed the fourth year, his father decided that he would enter him into the Madrassa Ahmadiyya to gain an education, when his father’s Family found out about this they expressed concern and disproval, but his father removed their worries and cultivated the base of his upbringing by entering him into Madrassa Ahmadiyya.
Shaikh Sahib had very tough examiners, two of whom were very famous, one being Doctor Mir Muhammad Ismail Sahib, and another being Maulana Shams Sahib, even then he passed his exams with flying colours. In his thesis he achieved 80 marks out of 100, and in another exam he achieved 100 marks out of 100.
Time in England
Shaikh Mubarak Ahmad Sahib came to England in May 1979, and took charge from Bashir Ahmad Rafiq Sahib, Respected Shaikh Sahib mostly worked on the upbringing of the Jamaat, he held many Talim-ul-Quran classes, and was able to partake in buying many properties of the Jamaat such as mission houses and many headquarters, during his stay the first mission house was built in Southall, then they were built in the following order:
- Birmingham
- Croydon
- Bradford
- Manchester
- Huddersfield
- Gillingham
- Oxford
- East London
- Glasgow
Other than these Headquarters and mission houses, he bought a guest house on the street opposite the Mosque in London. He also had much material printed for the general public in the forms of pamphlets and other such things. The first pamphlet he published was by the name of ‘What is Ahmadiyyat’ and the second pamphlet he published was known as ‘The Message of Islam’. He had many books translated to English for children such as ‘sweet stories of The Holy Prophet’ and ‘The life of Hazrat Bilal (Ra)’ etc…
Furthermore the third edition of the Swahili translation of The Holy Quran was printed and published by the Union Press and was sent to the Missionary in Charge in Tanzania. He had good relations with many magazines such as ‘The Economist’ and the ‘Times of London. During his time a lot of stress was put on attendance at the mosque and other institutional schemes, and the Jamaat also made great improvements in their financial sacrifice, and many other advancements by the grace of God.
Shaikh Sahib then retired on the 5th of May 1991, but even after his retirement he did not turn away from working for the Jamaat, in fact he translated the famous Hadith book ‘Riyadh-us-Saliheen’ into Swahili, which he completed in October 1993, which was then printed in the Islamabad Press.
Shaikh Mubarak Sahib passed away after living a life full of serving the Jamaat on the 9th of May 2001.